Everything you need to know about IVF and ICSI

Ivf clinic
5 min readMar 1, 2021


Is there a difference between IVF and ICSI?

IVF and ICSI… Fulfill your dream of motherhood safely.

Delayed reproduction is one of the most important problems that haunt spousal lives, especially at the beginning of their married life, if the pregnancy is delayed for several months after marriage, the couple will consult a doctor to find out the reason and take the necessary immediately.
The doctor usually refers to the couple the need for medical intervention to increase the chances of having children through operations such as IVF and icing, how do these operations take place and are there a difference between them?

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When do we use IVF and ICSI?
Delayed reproduction occurs as a result of health problems in the husband or wife, and may also be delayed for no specific reason.
IVF and ICSI are a modern medical method that helps solve the problem of delayed reproduction, and the obstetrician recommends the appropriate operation for each case.

When is IVF going on?
●Infertility for no reason.
● Fallopian tube adhesions.
●Immigrant endometriosis.
●Fibroids in the uterus.
●Failure or early cessation of ovary.
●Congenital defects in the uterus such as cleft uterus.
●If the wife is over 35 years of age.

When to perform IVF and ICSI together
Recent scientific studies recommend the addition of icing technology to IVF in all cases in general, particularly in cases of infertility in the spouse, such as the following:
●Lack of sperm count.
●Increased rate of abnormalities in sperm.
●The incidence of ectopic ejaculation.
●Poor sperm motility.
● In the absence of complete sperm in the semen, a biopsy of the tissue of the testicles is performed.
●Blockage of the genital tracts of the man’s reproductive system.
The number of women in the labour sector has increased from 15.5 per cent in 1990 to 11.5 per cent in 2000.

What’s the difference between IVF and ICSI?

is a modern technique added to IVF, as IVF is a step in the IVF process and IVF may be performed separately and without microinjection. Recent scientific research has shown that the addition of the IVF step to IVF has significantly increased the success rate of the operation and increased the chances of having children, especially in cases of infertility in the husband.
During IVF, a number of eggs are pulled and placed in an ectopic incubator with a large number of sperm, leaving the insemination to normal.
In the first year, the number of people who have
On the other hand, some doctors use the technique of icing with ivf to increase the chance of pregnancy as the doctor selects a sperm and tries to complete the vaccination under a microscope.

Many scientific studies have indicated that the success rates of IVF and IVF are significantly higher than ivf, and the success rates for IVF are from 70% to 85%.
Steps of IVF and ICSI
The mother’s processing begins in the month before the ICSI in several steps as follows:

1. Perform a vaginal sonar during the first or second day of your menstrual cycle.

2. Intramuscular ovulation-stimulating drugs are used and continue to monitor the growth of eggs and measure their size day after day with vaginal sonar.

3. After a certain number of eggs inside the ovary reach the desired size, hcg is given by intramuscular injection to push the eggs out of the vesicles.

4. Under the full effect of the drug, the doctor directs a needle inside the vagina using a sonar device and pulls the fully grown eggs out of the uterus.

5. The eggs are fertilized with sperm outside the uterus, and the embryos are kept in a suitable environment for 3 to 5 days.

6. After the end of the incubation period in the laboratory, the best and most healthy embryos are selected and re-inserted into the mother’s uterus until they complete their normal growth.

7. Embryos are inserted without full anesthesia and this step is usually painless at all.

8. The mother lies on her back for about two hours, then is allowed to move and exercise normally.
Tips for appetizers on IVF, ICSI and success indicators
IVF and ICSI seem a bit complicated, consisting of several stages and may cause stress and anxiety, but with the high rates of these operations, success rates have also increased significantly.

Factors in the success of IVF and ICSI are:
●Psychological calm, stress and anxiety.

●Trust the attending physician and adhere to the follow-up schedule and take medications on time accurately before the operation.

●Following the operation, the government has taken measures to increase the number of women in the country and to the number of women in the country.

before, the number of women in the family is increasing, and the number of women in the country is increasing. The readiness of the uterus to receive the fetus: endometriosis affects the success rate of the operation and the presence of fibroids, for example, or growths in the uterine wall may reduce the chance of pregnancy occurring and complete. The mother’s infection with certain immune diseases is immune and causes miscarriage, and in such cases the doctor may prescribe immunosuppressive drugs to increase the chances of completing pregnancy.
The effect of IVF and IVF on a child’s intelligence and development
Many question the impact of IVF on a child’s development and mental and physical development, and this point has sparked a lot of scientific research.

The incidence of congenital malformations in the event of pregnancy naturally ranges from only 1.5% to 3%, which is not much different from the rate of abnormalities in the case of pregnancy using modern techniques such as IVF or Icing.

Complications of IVF and ICSI
IVF and ICSI are generally safe, but there are some few complications a mother may experience, such as:

●Ovarian hyper stimulation: Only 10% of women experience ovarian hyper stimulation as a side-effect of the stimulus medications taken by the mother during the processing of the eggs, some cases may require hospital detention.

●The number of females in the country is 10.5 per 1,000.

●Rare complications during the re-injection of the fertilized egg into the uterus such as a bladder or bowel wound, pelvic inflammation or small clots.

●The number of women in the labour-related labour and employment situation swelled by 10 per cent in 2006, while the number of women in the labour-related labour and labour-related services was 12.7 per cent.


Dr Hilal Abu AbuGhoush Center OB/Gyn Amman ,Jordan

Fact Sheet: What is intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)?

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How is difference between IVF and ICSI



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